Friday, November 20

Podcase about Thoreau

1) Consistently challenges his readers what it means to be an American. To see if it's America lives up to its promise. Also, to be an individualism, not to follow others.

2) Left a strong influence on society but doesn't really like Thoreau. Thinks he is blind as an American. Thinks he cares nothing about community, that it's not possible. We will never be able to understand each other. He's very provocative.

3) To follow your heart.

4) not having anyone to help you at times, since not everybody is going to be as radical as you. People like Thoreau aren't scared to get in trouble.

Friday, November 6

Banned books

What are the general reasons books are banned?

The issue of race, sexual explicitness, and language.

What does this say about our culture and our country?

That we are cencoring the people from great literature.

Have you read any of the books on the list?

Yes, I have read Of Mice and Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Catcher in the Rye.

How would your education be affected if you didn't read that book?
I would think that all books are happy and jolly, and I would be turned off by books. Not all books should have a happy ending. They should allow you see an author's point of view about issues that effect us today.

english binder check

English Binder Check

1.How have you organized your assignments?
Yes I have.

2.Look through your assignments, what kinds of assignments have we done this year?
Poetry, writing styles, vocabulary, analyzing literature like Farehnheit451 and The Crucible.

How is English class different from other classes? How is it the same?
In all my classes, we read literature. But in this class, we analyze the writing style, the symbolism, what the author's intent is.

3.What are some things you have learned so far this year?
Different writing styles and lots of new vocabulary words.

4.Look at your American Literary Periods Timeline, what periods in American Literature
have we covered so far?
5. How can you be a more successful student in this class?
I could be a more successful student if my notebook was better organized.